Emily Harrington is a professional rock climber and adventurer who has been a prominent and leading figure in the climbing community since she was a teenager, and guess what? She’s a fan of JLEssencials.
“I love the feeling of the JLessencials CBD balm. I put it on sore muscles almost everyday after training an it helps me recover for the next day of climbing. I really love the smell. It’s spicy and refreshing and doesn’t smell like medicine like all the other stuff out there. It’s become a part of my daily climbing routine!”

Why is our balm so good? We combine our CBD oil with arnica and cayenne pepper to make a relief balm perfect for anyone from Emily Harrington to you. Arnica, once called Wolf’s Bane is a herb found to soothe bruises, and sore muscles alike while Cayenne pepper promotes blood flow to the applied area to keep muscles from cramping. Combine that with our vapor distilled CBD oil which quells swelling and pain and you’ve got a remedy for sore muscles wether you got them climbing all day, or picking up the kids from school.
Want to try it out for yourself? Visit our online store today!

Add 10 hot stones to your massage. Thermal therapy helps to relieve muscular tension and overall stress!

Extend your massage with an extra 15-minutes of aromatherapy scalp and neck massage perfect for headache sufferers!

Your therapist will incorporate therapeutic-grade essential oils into your massage. Oils are customized for your needs.
Add a hydrating sugar scrub with a hot towel back compress and moisturizing lotion to your massage. Adds 10 minutes to treatment time.
A mini facial added to the end of your massage includes cleanse, tone, organic mask, and customized moisturizer. A perfect quick pick-me-up for your skin! Adds 15 minutes to your treatment time.